This is a narrated video walkthrough of the NES game Ultima Exodus. It is split into 20 segments and spans roughly 2 3/4 hours. I first recorded the video then added the narration on top of it and even after the narration I’ve made a few more discoveries of tips and tricks explained as needed in this description. The ninth part covers the two most useful shrines of Ambrosia - strength and wisdom. I show you the general areas in where they are located but they’re a bit tricky to find due to them being in dense forest making it easy to get lost.
Ultima III Exodus NES narrated video walkthrough walk
Hand-picked BGM mixed to SFX In the Playstation 1 version of G-Darius there is a mode called vs Boss. You can select as many or as few bosses as you like. I’m killin’ all one life 1LC = 1 Life Clear Custom tracklist for all parts can be found here: Credits to: Monty Python Electric Six Lemon Demon
DJ Incompetent G-Darius Taito Gダライアス G-ダライアス Darius superplay